We believe that:
- The ultimate goal of evaluation should be organizational learning.
We believe our responsibility as evaluators is to identify both strengths and weaknesses so that strengths can be built upon and weaknesses addressed. We provide a vehicle for programs to determine progress, and to change in ways that lead to enhanced effectiveness.
- Evaluation should be a collaborative process.
Evaluation is not a one-time “report card,” but a developmental and collaborative process through which everyone can be a winner. We feel strongly that evaluation should not be used to punish, or to segment winners and losers
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. We work to create an environment in which people can examine why something succeeded or failed without punishment.
- Evaluation should useful.
We embrace the AEA’s Evaluation Standards, and emphasize the utility of evaluation. We believe that persons involved in programs and organizations should help create and be an integral part of their own evaluation. Because we believe that so strongly, our practice is to be collaborative and participatory.
- We have responsibility to build evaluation capacity among our clients.
This means helping them find the value in evaluation, to understand and use appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods, integrate evaluation more easily in to the day-to-day process and use evaluation as a continuous process of learning, growth, and change.
- There is value in using both qualitative and qualitative methods.
We are comfortable with and believe in using a wide range of appropriate methods to gather information.